Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Eyes closed, CAN'T FOCUS.

I am apparently useless with my eyes closed.. Cool... Enjoy!

When I was younger I was known for my ability to be eloquan and express ideas in a way that was relatively sophisticat for my age. WhenI graduated eigth grade I was asked to give the speech for my graduating class and . Scratch that. When I was in seventh grade I ran for class president andnwas allowed to give really incredible speeches to the school in order to become elected. I wasyoungerthan the other candidates, and although it was a compendium. I don't remember where I was but I plan to continue somewhere.... The speech for eigth grade gaduationjs abetted story anyway. Actually, no, when I was a sophomore in high school I ran for and won preside t of my government class. We had a limit on our speech to 2 mi utes and my teacher did not make me stop speaking even after 7 minutes until I was done because he enjoyed my speech so much and thought it was so mature and eloquent t. The end. Not the end, moral of the story, I used to want to be a speech writer for the president or for some other political figure. The real end. Clearly I am not nearly as eloquent S before...

Sincerely, Cassie DeMarco.

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