Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gonna Write an Essay... That's What I Say

I could not think of a clever title for this post, so I borrowed one of those classic Spongebob quotes.

Size- 8.5x 11. This is the most accessible paper size for essay writing in most contexts. having the same size paper across the board allows the recipient, Dr. Lay, to organize the pile and transport it with greater ease.
Orientation- Portrait. The look of chunkier, longer paragraphs that the portrait landscape affords is very visually pleasing to me, personally. It also allows for shorter lines and the ability to switch eye focus to a new line more often, which helps me stay focused.
Font- Times New Roman. This font is the most comfortable and the one with which I am most experienced. With a serious essay, I feel as though it helps me focus on the topic to go with my default font, Times New Roman. This helps me remain focused.
Color of page- white. I don't want my essay to be about the color of the paper used and the the emotions evoked through that, I would rather have the focus on my writing, also, the contrast of black and white makes this the most visible option across the board for readers.
Color of font- black. Black ink is the most conservative ink in terms of retaining focus as well as saving ink. When using public printers, it is common courtesy to use black ink for writing and colored ink sparingly. Again, this also provides the easiest reading against a white background.
Line spacing- Double. Double-Spacing allows the grader write notes in the margins and spaces in between. I was taught to use double-space as a courtesy to my teachers in high school, and have let that carry through my college years.
Paragraphing- indent a half-inch. This helps to establish a new paragrph without adding an extra line, making it blocky and choppy.
Heading- Italicized. It just looks classy.
Margins-1x1. Nice and even.
Single or double-sided printing- Single.
Visuals- Nope. This essay was all about the words for me.
Works cited- Standard Word 2007. Visually, I do not have much opinion on the Works Cited Page. It is purely for the sake of information to me and I... Honestly have no personal investment in what it looks like.

Cassandra Rose Blaise DeMarco


  1. "It is purely for the sake of information to me and I... honestly have no personal investment in what it looks like."

    That's so shocking to hear from you since i pegged you as a very artistic expressive person because of your 48 degrees poem. I think that shows how little we actually put into essays. We have an outline of what it HAS TO BE, not what it can be, so we just do what we have to rather than how we want to. Basic formats seem to steal artistic expression though the thing about Shakespeare is that he was so creative within very harsh formatting.

  2. Yeah, I have justification everything except the works cited page. That just seems like a place where I don't have any desire to put creativity or thought into it. Probably because it's not an actual portion if my writing, it's purely for the sake of giving credit. Haha that makes me sound self-centered butI'm okay with that. Lol.

