Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Will Power (Initial thoughts/notes)

  • I remember learning about the marshmallow study in AP Psychology! It is quite a famous experiment showing the effects of having to abstain from a beloved item for a period of time.
  • Why were they able to watch video from the experiments but not get the testing information? that's strange. 
  • I guess it's nice to know Mischel's back story. I just don't know why that is relevant to the experiment. As a tool for personalizing/novelizing it I suppose, but it just seems like it should maybe be a separate story. I am having trouble reconciling why I should care about the entire back story of this researcher.
  • The correlation between academic/financial success and the test results is cool. how much is hereditary? Nature/nurture? evolutionary? economic? there are a lot of fun questions it brings up.

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