Friday, February 18, 2011

Today it is 48 degrees and...

tomorrow will be some other temperature. the sun is 360 degrees in two directions, making it three dimensional like a golf ball and spherical like a golf ball and the shirt I am wearing is pink and light like ballet flats and I am not cold. I am not cold. I am not cold and the sun is 360 degrees around like a golf ball.

Today it is 48 degree and I am not cold.
Tomorrow it might be a different temperature, but I still hope,
that I am not cold
and that the sun
will remain
and exist in three dimensions.
like those golf balls the golfers hit into my backyard at home
and we put them in a dirty paint bucket and sell them a dollar each
little suns a dollar each in a dirty old primer paint bucket
hidden in the hand-made shed
which swells
when it is warm.
how warm?
at least warmer that
48 degrees.

It is today, today. And today, it is 48 degrees.

Cassandra Rose Blaise DeMarco


  1. I absolutely love the way you wrote this. There was a rhythm involved, and it really made me see how warm it was. You kind of rock.

  2. I absolutely loved hearing you read this aloud in class. It's such a fun off-center diversion from the main topic which still loops back. Your simile to a golf ball was really odd until you let us know about the golf course in your backyard. It definitely makes me value background information about writers now.

  3. This was great. I think it was a great way of writing. i love the flow of it, and how i got a mental pictures about everything you were saying. it was like i was there.

