Friday, February 4, 2011

small object, LARGE SUBJECT

Can I confess something?

I drink Red Bull all the time. Almost everyday. Heck, if it wasn't so expensive I would have 3 square off-the-charts Red Bulls meals 7 days a week. Goodness, I enjoy that liquid.
I don't have work often, I have it three times over the whole week and I only work 12 hours. But those hours are 12-4 AM and 4-8 AM depending on the day. and the other hours of the day? Well, I'm blogging. Or doing homework. Or trying to stay/get healthy by trekking to the fitness center, or going to rehearsal, or drinking Red Bull and taping my eyes open, or, oh yeah class. Fact is, I don't get much sleep. It's the college kid life, and I am in no way complaining.
When I got here I heard something that several people have said to me since then. They say that you have three choices in college: sleep, studies, or a social life, and you can only pick two. Red Bull allows me to stick by my choice of studies and social life. Before college I had never actually tried Red Bull. I grew up around good coffee. A lot of coffee. Potentially radioactive amounts. I had an energy drink a couple of times and I liked the feeling but coffee was (still is, but he doesn't call me as much) my best friend.
There is no good coffee at Hofstra. I say that knowing that maybe I haven't tried every coffee, and maybe only basing it on the fact that I don't like Seattle's Best (it's WATER), especially on the 3AM shift of Dutch Treats where they figure that nobody will be drinking anything but decaf. So, I found Red Bull. Mostly through free Red Bull given at events the first few weeks of school (so there's proof that their advertising strategy worked) and have never looked back. Wow, I make it sound like I only drink red Bull. I suppose that is misleading. I drink about three medium coffees per day, or a chai tea with espresso shots. Then, if I need to be awake for long, I drink a Red Bull. At times, I've shamelessly double-fisted coffee and Red Bull to the horror of those around me. I guess I have a caffeine/taurine issue, but that is another point. What I'm trying to figure out now is: WHY DOES RED BULL EXIST? I wanted to give this back story though, to keep in mind that the following are the words of a very big fan.

I think that the sheer existence of a substance such as Red Bull is a signed of a deeply troubled society. Energy... in an 8.3 oz. can. The fact that people take it simply to perform the tasks the they are expected to and desire to is one of the single most Twilight Zone disturbing things about this crazy future that we live in. Also, it isn't as though the product is inexpensive and readily available. It costs 2.50-3.75 depending on where you get it around here. Truth is, if health and wellness were taught from early ages and enforced by positive examples in our adults, we wouldn't want to put this concoction into our bodies. And we wouldn't feel the need to. Personal fitness is the best energizer that we have, and it is constantly placed on the back burner to focus on work, play, and being a ready-to-go member of society.

**these are opening thoughts, to be continued.

Cassandra Rose Blaise DeMarco

1 comment:

  1. There's such fine energy here. Your writerly voice sounds different from your live/real time voice. This supports the notion that writers (especially bloggers) can use writing as both a mirror and a veil. They reveal as much as they conceal.

    Does this voice approximate your inner voice? Or, is something else happening here?

    Nice work!

